Luis Bagaría i Bou Don Liberal español. “¡¡Pasen, pasen señores!! Vean esta maravilla de insensibilidad 1923
Maja Bajevic Arts, Crafts and Facts (Financial Profits, Corporate Profits, S&P, Employment) (Artes,... 2017
Maja Bajevic Arts, Crafts and Facts (Distribution of Wealth, Top 5%, Top 20%, Second 20%, Third 20%,... 2017
Maja Bajevic Arts, Crafts and Facts (100% Productivity, +77% Total Compensation/Inflation, + 30%... 2018
John Baldessari Prima Facie (Third State): From Aghast to Upset (Prima Facie [tercer estado]: de... 2005
Manuela Ballester Vilaseca De Telelcingo, Morelos. Al norte de Cuautla. Boceto para ilustración sobre el traje... 1950 (ca.)