CDMC. ORCAM choir and soloists
28 february, 2011 - 7:30 PM
Associated project Live Arts
Nouvel Building, Auditorium 400
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José Gómez, conductor
The Orchestra and Choir of the Community of Madrid (ORCAM) combines in its programs contemporary creations and a more traditional repertoire. Its weekly concerts at the National Auditorium of Music have become a reference point and a gathering place for a diverse and dynamic audience eager to learn about all kinds of musical currents. It participates regularly in the most important Spanish events (Otoño in Madrid, the Mozart festival in La Coruña, the Granada Music and Dance Festival, Andrés Segovia, Santander, the Week of Religious Music in Cuenca, among others).
Program “Claudio Prieto Monograph”:
Canto de Antonio Machado
Proverbios y Cantares
Mosaico Sonoro
Al Alto Espino
Cantata para un aniversario