Solistas de la ORCAM
Andrés Salado, director

Carlos Cruz de Castro, 70 birthday
The series of concerts Series 20/21 (held in Museo Reina Sofía's Auditorium 400) begins with a concert dedicated to the Madrid-born composer Carlos Cruz de Castro, on the occasion of his 70th birthday. This concert is one of several that CDMC has organised recently to pay tribute to different Spanish composers on key dates in their artistic activity. They are organised in conjunction with Fundación Autor. In this case, we will look at Cruz de Castro's long career with a program that includes chamber pieces from the last two decades, a 1970s piece for three brass instruments and percussion, Sincrónico (1972), and a world premiere, Miniaturas (2010), for solo flute.
Miniaturas, para flauta solo (2010)
Aries, para violín, violonchelo, piano y percusión (1999)
Pieza para clarinete bajo (2005)
Sincrónico, para trompa, trompeta y trombón con percusión incorporada (1972)
Pieza para violonchelo (2008)
Danzón, son y mambo, para conjunto instrumental (1991-92)