In the Context of 8M and the Feminist Tide
A Deafening Murmur
![Fabio Caffe (Colectivo Favela em Foco), Protestas en Río por el asesinato de Marielle Franco [Protests in Rio for the murder of Marielle Fabio Caffe (Colectivo Favela em Foco), Protestas en Río por el asesinato de Marielle Franco [Protests in Rio for the murder of Marielle Franco], 2018](
Across a large part of the planet, the feminist movement is inexorably rising to the fore in the transformation of political action and in the postulate of other, more equal and less patriarchal ways of inhabiting the world.
In the context of 8 March, the Museo Reina Sofía presents a series of activities — round-table discussions, lectures, workshops, seminars, guided tours – in collaboration with people and feminist collectives actively participating in contemporary debates from situated stances and focal points, granting visibility to the diversity of a movement that is in motion and constantly questioning to redefine the conditions of present-day struggles.
This series is dedicated to Marielle Franco, a sociologist, feminist, lesbian and activist for black communities and slum populations, one year on from her murder in Brazil, which still goes unpunished.
Héctor Acuña/Frau Diamanda is a translator, writer, audiovisual artist, drag performer, independent curator, cultural infector and DJ.
Tania Adam is a journalist and cultural producer, and the founder and editor of Radio Africa Magazine
Laura Benítez is a researcher and teacher. Her current work focuses on processes of bio-resistance, civil bio-disobedience and non-human agents.
Sara Buraya Boned works in the Museo Reina Sofía’s Public Activities Department.
Marta Busquets is a lawyer, a gender and health specialist, and a sexual and reproductive rights activist.
Carmen Cabrejas is an art historian and expert in education and mediation in museum environments.
Lucía Cavallero is a sociologist and researcher, and a member of Ni una menos, Argentina.
Rebecca Close is a researcher and translator, and a member of the artistic research platform Diásporas críticas.
Pastora Filigrana is a human rights lawyer and activist. She is a member of the Red Antidiscriminatoria Gitana (RAG) Rromani Pativ, Spain.
Nancy Fraser is a political philosopher, feminist intellectual and professor of political and social sciences.
Luisa Fuentes is an independent researcher on artistic and curatorial practices in Central America and an emancipated motherhood activist.
Elisa Fuenzalida is a Peruvian writer and feminist researcher, and a member of the research group Situated Feminisms.
Verónica Gago is a researcher, teacher and editor, and a member of both Ni Una Menos, Argentina, and the militant research collective Situaciones.
Maite Garballo is a researcher and writer. Her work lies in the intersections between feminist theory, contemporary art and visual culture.
Beatriz García is a historian and anthropologist and a member of Foundation of the Commons.
María Llopis is an artist, activist, writer and mother. She is the author of the book Maternidades Subversivas (Subversive Motherhood, 2015).
Ana Longoni is the director of the Museo Reina Sofía’s Public Activities Department.
Marián López Fernández-Cao is a researcher and teacher specialised in art, feminism, art therapy and social inclusion.
Patricia Merino is an activist and the author of Maternidad. Igualdad y fraternidad: las madres como sujeto político en las sociedades post-laborales (Maternity. Equality and Fraternity: Mothers as a Political Subject in Post-Work Societies).
Tatiana Montella is an anti-racism lawyer and a member of Non una di meno, Italy.
Jula Santos is a student, feminist activist and spokesperson for the 8M Commission.
Pratibha Parmar is a political documentary film-maker, and an activist in black feminisms and lesbian rights.
Lucas Platero is a professor, sociologist, researcher and LGTBQ rights activist.
Paula Pin is a researcher and trans-hack-feminist performer. Her work lies in the frontiers between biology, art and queer science.
Nelly Richard is a theorist and essayist, and coordinator of the force line The Politics and Aesthetics of Memory in the Museo Reina Sofía.
Javier Rosa is a physical therapist and activist who researches memory, health and illness. He is a member of the collective Las raras.
Clara Serra Sánchez is a philosopher, teacher and political feminist. Since 2014 she has worked with issues of equality, feminism and sexuality.
Lotta Tenhunen is an activist for the defence of housing, a member of PAH Vallekas and a member of Foundation of the Commons.
Jeannette Tineo is a researcher of Caribbean-Dominican diaspora, and a psychologist and poet. She is a member of the research group Situated Feminisms.
This encounter, from an intersectional perspective, sets forth a space of collective reflection with which to intertwine an international network of feminist alliances amid a historical cycle marked by new forms of fascism. By way of the exchange and visibility of ties between different forms of violence suffered by feminised, racialised, sexualised and precarious bodies, the aim of this network is to imagine and test modes of resistance, care and organisation.
Participants: Lucía Cavallero, Pastora Filigrana, Verónica Gago and Tatiana Montella
Conducted and coordinated by: Sara Buraya, Lotta Tenhunen and Sara Naila Navacerrada
Co-organised by: Foundation of the Commons
Admission: free, until full capacity is reached
In her political documentaries, film-maker Pratibha Parmar places sexual dissidence at the centre of a nation state critique during the era of neoliberalisation in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Her activism in black feminisms and in support of lesbian rights around the world puts forward diaspora as a critical tactic with capitalism and coloniality. This encounter sees the film-maker discuss her work and features her short films Khush (1991) and Wavelengths (1997).
Participants: Tania Adam, Rebecca Close and Pratibha Parmar
Co-organised by: Foundation of the Commons
In collaboration with: La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
Admission: free, until full capacity is reached
This lecture sees philosopher and academic Nancy Fraser expound, via a questioning of so-called ‘neoliberal feminism’, her assertion of a feminist radicalism capable of tackling the current crisis of the capitalist system and its modes of value production and social reproduction.
Before lecture, the publication Feminisms, edited by the online platform L'Internationale, will be presented. The publication can be downloaded from its website.
Participants: Nancy Fraser
Admission: free, until full capacity is reached
This round-table discussion reflects on the need to develop critical feminist narratives to ensure that neither the subjective footprints that shape identity, sexuality and gender, nor the emergence of women as a collective subject of political articulation and social transformation, are marginalised or shut out from the symbolic and cultural survey of the analysis of transitions in Spain and Latin America.
Participants: Maite Garbayo, Ana Longoni, Nelly Richard and Clara Serra.
Admission: free, until full capacity is reached.
Inside the framework of the research group Situated Feminisms, from the Museo’s Study Centre, this workshop is conceived as a collective process of discussion, dialogue and learning around the affective backgrounds enveloping diasporic memory in Spain, from a cross-border and decolonial feminist perspective. Across a number of sessions, the cross-border memories and corporality of the participants will be addressed in the search for a common narrative that can politicise different paradoxes surrounding migrant experiences in Madrid.
Participants: Héctor Acuña/Frau Diamanda
Conducted and coordinated by: Elisa Fuenzalida and Jeannette Tineo
Admission: free, with prior registration.
Registration: by sending an email to, including applicants’ name and surname(s) and a brief explanation of reasons for participation (a maximum of 500 words). Although this activity is devised as a flexible process adapted to the expectations, interests and desires of those taking part, registration on the course requires full attendance.
This critical debate analyses and reflects on the visibility, re-signifying and quantification of a set of activities comprising that which is termed social reproduction and maternal work. With the aim of sharing practices, experiences and struggles, and questioning rigid and imposing forms of motherhood, the debate revolves around three thematic intersections: motherhood and body, motherhood and work, motherhood and psyche.
Participants: Marta Busquets, María Llopis, Patricia Merino, Lucas Platero and Javier Rosa
Conducted and coordinated by: Luisa Fuentes
Admission: free, until full capacity is reached.
From influences such as cyber feminism, post-humanism, trans* activism and materialism, xenofeminism casts horizons that are neither non-essentialist nor binary and that flow beyond notions of gender, sex, race, species and class, understanding nature as a place of conflict traversed by technology and which must be reconquered and hacked continuously. From a trans-hack-feminist standpoint, this collaboratory, based on Do It Yourself and Do It Together bio(info)technology — self-managed and collective forms of organisation, work, care, learning, etc. — sets forth a critical survey of gynaecology via tools and technology of biological exploration.
Conducted and coordinated by: Laura Benítez and Paula Pin
With the collaboration of: Caja Negra
Admission: free, with prior registration. The registration process will begin in April
Wednesdays at 7:15 and Sundays at 12:30pm / Meeting point: the adjoining area between the Sabatini Building the Nouvel Building, Floor 1
A Feminist Gaze at Avant-Garde Movements
This guided tour covers the rooms of the Collection devoted to historical avant-garde movements, questioning the roles and visibility of women in Art History through the analysis of their social, cultural and creative role in the early decades of the 20th century, in addition to the image of the feminine built in the artistic manifestations of that era.
Aimed at: adults
Design: Marián López Fernández-Cao
Admission: free, with prior registration at the Meeting Point half an hour before the beginning of the visit.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:15, 10:45, 11:15am and 5pm; Fridays at 10:15, 10:45 and 11:15am / Meeting Point: Sabatini Building, Floor 1, Education Desk
Women in the Avant-Garde
This tour of the Collection, aimed at Secondary School and Sixth Form students and people over 65, analyses female stereotypes attached to the art of the early twentieth century and the creative work of many female artists at the heart of historical avant-garde movements, thus questioning the implications of art-making from a feminist perspective.
Aimed at: groups of Secondary School and Sixth form students and groups of people over 65
Design: Carmen Cabrejas
Further information: