Ways of inhabiting, institutions that inhabit us, and schizophrenic subjectivities
Within the context of the networks in which the Museo Reina Sofía participates alongside collectives, organisations and independent research groups, the Museo’s Study Centre welcomes the conference Domesticities, organised by the Las Raras collective.
Domesticities is the cohesive name for both practices and discourses that research, question and invent the way in which architectural space is used and designed. This conference points to a formulation of statements, both linguistic and geometrical, which foster the creation of an imaginary that deconstructs nineteenth-century and legislative notions of public and private space, facilitating both the intelligibility of architectural spatialities in progress and the liberation of the design tool for obsolete considerations and zombie categories.
The focus of interest in this proposal lies in testing out the invention of methodological tools of power distribution through a process of architectural design, for instance the building carried out by Jean Nouvel. Thus participants are prompted to build a space for sharing day-to-day experiences and investigations that reflect and generate a vocabulary, as well as certain common interests that revolve around ideas of communal living-squatting, room-citizen and intimacy-privacy.
This activity falls under the framework of the project developed by the Las Raras collective, in addition to an architectural research project undertaken by the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
Las Raras is a research group that deals with rarities as a meeting point, whereby fragility and vulnerability are collective power.
Somateca is the name that brings together a collective of people working around crip-queer practices inside and outside the Museo Reina Sofía.
A series of people are invited to share their experiences of inhabiting squatted spaces, process of upbringing and models of communal living found in an “outside” that is a de facto inside. Bringing to light the fictional nature of this outside, any person is prone to feeling as though they are being questioned and are just another guest.
Possible statements of topological organisation are evoked and put forward inside a building that admits a habitable programme in communion with a programme of common meeting points reclaimed by citizens, and from the most heterogeneous and disparate formats of the city.