LGBT+ Wikiproject
Project to Publish LGBT+ Proper Nouns and Concepts on Wikipedia
Free, until full capacity is reached, with prior registration via email by writing to, until 5 July
From Midday to 2pm
Wikimedia España

This workshop, run by Miguel Alan Córdova Silva and Víctor Hugo Robles, is based on publishing content related to LGBTIAQ+ subject matter on Wikipedia in Spanish. The new entries and translations carried out during the activity will be added to Wikiproyecto LGBT+ (LGBT+ Wikiproject), a Wikimedia Foundation project which advocates the development of content related to concepts and proper nouns from LGBT+ and queer themes, with the stress placed on Spanish-speaking activists to enhance their reach and improve articles on Wikipedia.
The work carried out in the project is centralised and has a team to welcome and assess new contributors, in addition to a news bulletin to provide information on the project to further increase the sense of belonging and community among all members. In their initiative of improvement, the wiki-editors can choose a Spanish-speaking country to draw from each month to create articles on sexual diversity.
Miguel Alan Córdova Silva is an activist and has been an editor for Wikipedia since the end of 2017, where he has made more than 130,000 edits and published 1,500 articles. He also works on other projects by the Wikimedia Foundation such as Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata, and his current work revolves around reviewing and expanding knowledge on sex-gender diversity and reducing different gaps, such as gender and culture gaps between North and South. Since 2018, he has actively worked to consolidate the publishing community on the Wikiproyecto LGBT+ project.
Víctor Hugo Robles is a community journalist, radio broadcaster and a sexual dissidence activist known as “El Che de los Gays”. A member of the Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation (MOVILH), he was the creator and presenter of Triángulo Abierto, the first radio programme on gay, lesbian and transexual people on the feminist station Radio Tierra. He currently presents Siempre Viva en Vivo, the only programme on sexual diversity and HIV/AIDS on Radio Universidad de Chile. He is the author of different publications of LGBTIAQ+ memory and history, most notably Bandera hueca. Historia del movimiento homosexual en Chile (Editorial ARCIS/Cuarto Propio, 2008); Sida en Chile: historias fragmentadas (Fundación Savia, 2015), with Amelia Donoso; El diario del Che gay en Chile (SiempreViva Ediciones, 2015); and Más allá del margen: memorias de mujeres trabajadoras en Chile (Fundación Margen de Apoyo and Promoción a la Mujer, 2019).