Queer vadis?
Gender-Sexual Dissidence in the Contemporary Conjuncture

The concept of queer, a general questioning of the regime of identities that opened up to be performed, embodied and inhabited in open and multiple ways, was inherited from the 1990s. The political power of such a range of vision came up against not only resistance to old positions, but also the neoliberal maelstrom that threatened to swallow up its disruptive energies, confusing them with the versatility and malleability demanded of its new subjects.
New trans* feminism, anti-colonial and non-binary struggles, incorporated by different bodies and generations, have undoubtedly resignified the meaning of queer, just as positions reclaiming a new normal have been reformulated.
This round-table discussion plays host to different voices discussing the dilemmas faced by contemporary gender-sexual dissidence.
Elizabeth Duval is a Spanish transexual writer who is reading Philosophy and French Studies in Paris. She has published the novel Reina (Caballo de Troya, 2020) and the poem Excepción (Letraversal, 2020), as well as participating in a number of anthologies. Moreover, she is a contributor to RTVE’s Gen Playz and writes as a literary critic for “The Ministry” section of ctxt Contexto y Acción.
Víctor Mora is a PhD student in Humanities and Cultural Studies. He is a member of the Institute of Gender Studies at the Carlos III University in Madrid and the association Memorias en Red (Network Memories), which carries out projects and work on the study of memory in Spain. His research concerns include political philosophy, the construction of historical discourse, visual theory and gender and sexualities studies.
Esther (Mayoko) Ortega holds a PhD in the Philosophy of Science from the University of Santiago de Compostela and is a lecturer at Tufts-Skidmore University in Madrid. Setting out from the body as a political category, she has analysed the impact of public policies on trans and racialised people. Noteworthy among her publications are El eje del mal es heterosexual. Figuraciones, movimientos y prácticas feministas queer (Traficantes de Sueños, 2005), Cartografías del cuerpo. Biopolíticas de la ciencia y la tecnología (Cátedra, 2014) and Barbarismos queer y otras esdrújulas (Bellaterra, 2017).
At the present time she is involved with the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) project Multiple Voices, Plural Knowledge and Biomedical Technologies.
Coco Wiener is the child of activist Gabriela Wiener. At the age of 13 ze already stood out in the contemporary queer scene, contributing to forums and media outlets such as elDiario.es, as well as collective publications like (h)amor 6 trans (Traficantes de sueños, 2021), writing from a non-binary trans perspective.