Museo Reina Sofía, in its role as a vehicle of knowledge and reflection, as well as an impulse for new spaces for experimentation, creation and dissemination of contemporary art, sets in motion a number of diverse lines of thought and debate. The development of research, analysis and debate frameworks which can imbue the narrative of the Collection with an additional dimension, as well as the programming of exhibitions.The setting in motion of discussion forums on key issues of contemporary debate relevant to the museum as an institution dedicated to providing citizens with frameworks for the critical analysis of culture.The experimentation with alternative methods of mediation between the citizens and the museum's proposals, taking up as a starting point the experience of artists and of the agents with whom the museum establishes collaboration.
May 30 - June 1, 2016
The Workforce, Precariousness and Super-Exploitation in Global Capital Circuits
Jan Breman
Sociologist Jan Breman, whose research focuses on labour conditions in different international contexts, will hold the upcoming session of the programme Constituent Machines: Constituent Power, Biopolitics, Democracy, organised by the Museo Reina Sofía Study Centre.
May 10 - June 14, 2016 - 7 p.m
Fiercely Human. Cultural Studies about the 40's
The period of autocracy in Spain presents itself as an abominable decade characterised by the triumphant Francoist aesthetic and ideology on all fronts. This series of lectures, in conjunction with the exhibition Campo Cerrado. Spanish Art 1939–1953, debates and calls into question this acknowledgement through the views of six historians and theorists hailing from different fields of study and different generations.
Seminar: April 8 - 9, 2015 - 6:00 p.m.
Mathias Goeritz. Activating Space. An Art of Commotion
This seminar is the culmination of the exhibition The Return of the Snake. Mathias Goeritz and the Invention of Emotional Architecture and looks to generate a debate centred on the artist Mathias Goertiz as a unique case study with which to understand the phenomena of the translation, reinterpretation and survival of modernity in a new time in history, straight after the war.