Museo Reina Sofía, in its role as a vehicle of knowledge and reflection, as well as an impulse for new spaces for experimentation, creation and dissemination of contemporary art, sets in motion a number of diverse lines of thought and debate. The development of research, analysis and debate frameworks which can imbue the narrative of the Collection with an additional dimension, as well as the programming of exhibitions.The setting in motion of discussion forums on key issues of contemporary debate relevant to the museum as an institution dedicated to providing citizens with frameworks for the critical analysis of culture.The experimentation with alternative methods of mediation between the citizens and the museum's proposals, taking up as a starting point the experience of artists and of the agents with whom the museum establishes collaboration.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019 - 6pm
Defiant Muses
Exhibition tour by Babette Mangolte, Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez and Giovanna Zapperi
Via a guided tour prior to the exhibition’s Defiant Muses. Delphine Seyrig and the Feminist Video Collectives in France in the 1970s and 1980s unveiling, the photographer and experimental filmmaker Babette Mangolte and the show’s curators, Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez and Giovanna Zapperi, will underscore the complex network of alliances between writers, artists and film-makers, of which Seyrig was a part, along with other activists
Monday 1 July, 2019 - 7pm
Helen Hester
Engineers or Hackers? Technological Systems and Political Change
Inside the framework of the programme In the Context of 8M and the Feminist Tide. A Deafening Murmur, which seeks to critically rethink present-day feminisms, Helen Hester, researcher and founder of the collective Laboria Cuboniks, will give a lecture on the XF Manifesto Xenofeminism. A Politics for Alienation, which reconsiders the feminist political project.
Tuesday, 4 June 2019 - 7pm
Encounter with Miriam Cahn
Exhibition tour
In conjunction with the solo exhibition Miriam Cahn. Everything Is Equally Important (running until 14 October 2019), the artist will conduct a tour around the exhibition prior to its opening in the Museo, touching on the key points in her creative process and her understanding of painting tied to the body, performance and feminism.
Thursday 11 April, 2019 - 6pm
Documents 10. Examining the José Carlos Mariátegui Archive and the Journal Amauta
Encounter and Presentation
The Museo Reina Sofía’s programme Documents looks at artists’ publications, platforms, networks and independent publishing spaces, in addition to the potential of archive to reinvent narratives of art and its ecosystem. Its tenth edition examines the archive of José Carlos Mariátegui (1894–1930), the founder of Amauta, one of the twentieth century’s most influential cultural journals and the focal point of the exhibition The Avant-garde Networks of Amauta: Argentina, Mexico, and Peru in the 1920s.
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