Friday, 5, Saturday, 6, and Sunday, 7 May 2023 - Check programme
Utopias and Revolts
Composing Strategies from the Collective
Utopias and Revolts. Composing Strategies from the Collective is a series of encounters which, from a public round table and different work sessions, reflects upon strategies to deal with present-day challenges related to eco-social crises and sustaining life. Therefore, collectives and associations involved in social movements that include transfeminism, rights (domestic workers, housing, care, sexual rights), the struggles of migrant people, and other movements, are brought together here.
Activity of: TIZ 9. Relational Ecologies
Thursday, 4 May 2023 - 8pm
A Conversation on Music Between Quico Cadaval and Pablo Castaño
This encounter pays tribute to Charlie Parker and Benny Harris’s classic Ornithology, and brings together two figures from Galicia who are both distinguished in their respective spheres: storyteller Quico Cadaval and jazz saxophonist Pablo Castaño.
Activity of: TIZ 9. Relational Ecologies
Saturday, 22 April 2023 - 6pm
The Territorial Re-Existences Lab
Encounter with Lavinia Fiori and Libia Grueso
The Territorial Re-existences Lab is an encounter which, with Colombian researchers and activists Lavinia Fiori and Libia Grueso, and presented by Carmen Haro and moderated by Josimar Castillo and Elisa Fuenzalida from Redes por el clima (Networks for Climate), aims to pool the strategic visions, conceptual tools and narratives to deal with the climate crisis.
Activity of: TIZ 9. Relational Ecologies
13 April – 25 May 2023 - Check programme
When Destiny Catches Up with Us
Desperate Actions Before the Sixth Extinction
This programme, which throws into relief the sixth mass extinction in which our world is currently submerged, gathers popular knowledge and scientific research, focusing on marine life and insects. It zooms in on those species which, in being outside the scope of human perception, do not have the same visibility in our collective imagination as other endangered animals.
Activity of: TIZ 6. Planet A: Green World
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