Alfonso Sánchez Portela La boda de los milicianos (The Wedding of a Militiaman and a Militiawoman) 1936 (October 18th) / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Vísperas de la Guerra Civil en el Paseo de la Castellana (The Days Before the Spanish... 1936 (April 14th) / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela La madrina del miliciano (The Militiaman's Godmother) 1937 / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela El pueblo de Madrid busca refugio en el metro durante los bombardeos (The People of... 1937 / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Bombardeos en el barrio de Argüelles (Air Raid on Argüelles Neighbourhood, Madrid) 1937 / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Julián Besteiro anuncia la voluntad del Consejo Nacional de Defensa de concluir la... 1939 (March 4th) / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Antonio Machado en el Café de las Salesas (Antonio Machado at the Café de las Salesas) 1984 (December 8th) / Later print, 1984
Luis Sánchez Portela El ingenio aéreo del Conde Zeppelín vuela sobre la Gran Vía (Count Zeppelin's Flying... 1930 / Later print, 1984) Room 201.01
Néstor Sanmiguel Homenaje a Antonio Machado 1, 2, 3 y 4 (Homage to Antonio Machado 1, 2, 3 and 4) 1967
Néstor Sanmiguel Libro para Manuel (El segundo nombre de las cosas) (Book for Manuel [The Second Name of... 2009-2010
Maruch Sántiz Gómez Smetz'ul buch'u lok'el xjoket xni' chvaye (How to Cure Someone Who Snores a Lot) 1994
Maruch Sántiz Gómez Sleb semet (Do Not Look at the Sparks from the Griddle When You Take It Off the Fire) 1994