Alfonso Sánchez Portela La boda de los milicianos (The Wedding of a Militiaman and a Militiawoman) 1936 (October 18th) / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Vísperas de la Guerra Civil en el Paseo de la Castellana (The Days Before the Spanish... 1936 (April 14th) / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela La madrina del miliciano (The Militiaman's Godmother) 1937 / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela El pueblo de Madrid busca refugio en el metro durante los bombardeos (The People of... 1937 / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Bombardeos en el barrio de Argüelles (Air Raid on Argüelles Neighbourhood, Madrid) 1937 / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Julián Besteiro anuncia la voluntad del Consejo Nacional de Defensa de concluir la... 1939 (March 4th) / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Antonio Machado en el Café de las Salesas (Antonio Machado at the Café de las Salesas) 1984 (December 8th) / Later print, 1984
Luis Sánchez Portela El ingenio aéreo del Conde Zeppelín vuela sobre la Gran Vía (Count Zeppelin's Flying... 1930 / Later print, 1984) Room 201.01
Néstor Sanmiguel Homenaje a Antonio Machado 1, 2, 3 y 4 (Homage to Antonio Machado 1, 2, 3 and 4) 1967
Néstor Sanmiguel Libro para Manuel (El segundo nombre de las cosas) (Book for Manuel [The Second Name of... 2009-2010
Maruch Sántiz Gómez Smetz'ul buch'u lok'el xjoket xni' chvaye (How to Cure Someone Who Snores a Lot) 1994
Maruch Sántiz Gómez Sleb semet (Do Not Look at the Sparks from the Griddle When You Take It Off the Fire) 1994
Maruch Sántiz Gómez Mu xtun xchoti ta ton, ta k'echob olol (Do Not Sit a Child on a Log or a Stone) 1994
Maruch Sántiz Gómez Yo'onton alak' xchi'uk xik' (Do Not Eat the Tip of Chicken Heart or Chicken Wings) 1994