El vellet colpejat és Ferran Garcia Faria, junt amb Xirinachs i altres. Passeig de Sant Joan / carrer Provença. Barcelona, 1 febrer 1976 (The Old Man Being Beaten Is Ferran Garcia Faria, Together with Xirinachs and Others. Paseo de Sant Joan / Call
Manel Armengol
Badalona, Barcelona, Spain, 1949
- Series:Manifestació Llibertat, Amnistia, Estatut Autonomia (The Freedom, Amnesty, and Statute of Autonomy Demonstration)
- Date:1976 / Later print, 2018
- Technique:Selenium-toned gelatin silver print on photographic paper
- Dimensions:Image: 27 x 40,1 cm / Support: 33,1 x 46,2 cm
- Category: Photography
- Entry date:2019
- Register number:AD08600